Going Self Employed

Going self employed - Readers share how their career changes led to self employment.

How I Changed My Career and Started a Business

I actually got thrown into my career change...it had never occurred to me to be a pet sitter before a colleague of mine at a local real estate agency confided to me that she thought her current pet sitter was stealing from her.

I told her I would do it for her, and 8 years later here I am with a successful pet sitting business. Not only am I my own boss, but I do something that I am very passionate about and get to work with rescue animals on a regular basis. I also often donate to no kill shelters and a furry meals on wheels program for seniors.

My advice is this:

1 Figure out what you love to do and then do the research to figure out how you can make money at it.

2. Make sure there is a need for it in your area or a surrounding area

3. Offer discounts! Times are tough and you will more than compensated later!

4. Find a great way to advertise for free by offering to advertise for them! "May I take a stack of business cards with me and leave some of mine here for you?" It works quite a bit!!

5. NEVER EVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU IT IS A STUPID IDEA...follow your heart and the test falls into place

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How I Became Self Employed

by Ana-Maria

I graduated top of my class in a Bachelor of Business (Finance) degree. After a short period of time I was offered a contract by a major investment company. My potential for leadership was quickly noted and I found myself promoted to team leader within six months.

Being a perfectionist was a factor which helped me rise through ranks very quickly but also a weakness. I was reluctant to delegate, so I ended up with the pressure of doing it all by myself.

I admit that the high salary that came with each promotion was my goal. I was able to buy my own apartment and car. Months later, I got married and had a child at twenty five.

When I returned to work I felt an instant resentment towards me because I had to leave promptly at the end of the working day to take care of my son. All my colleagues were reluctant to update me on recent developments and withheld vital information on new projects.

I started looking for an escape route. So, I decided to quit and pursue my real passion for design. In order to have flexi-time, I set up my own company which is now flourishing. Despite the fact that it does not offer a financial security, I prefer to work in more relaxing environments.

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